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How Effective are Sneeze Guards, and Do I Need One?

Desk sneeze guard with no gap on a table

Sneeze Guards

During the Covid-19 pandemic, people went to greater lengths than ever before to put up physical barriers between employees and customers. While in larger chains and businesses, you might have seen permanent structures put in place, for many smaller companies, the traditional sneeze guard became more essential than ever. Their increased prevalence might have lead you to believe that sneeze guards are simply a precaution. However, they are an effective safety measure – and for many businesses, an essential part of compliance.

Where Might I Need a Sneeze Guard?

All sorts of places need sneeze guards. Fundamentally, you can use a sneeze guard anywhere you want to protect staff from customers.

Restaurants and bakeries – Food on display should be protected against sneezes and other potential hygiene issues. This is particularly true of buffets and other types of service where food is left exposed to customers.

Cash registers – Staff working at cash registers and tills are face to face with customers for a long period of time. With potentially hundreds of customers producing germs, a sneeze guard can help keep staff safe and reduce the chances of disease transmission.

Reception desks – Greeting customers, visitors and guests needs some degree of protection. In the same way as staff at a cash register can be at risk from germs, so can staff who work at reception desks.

Pharmacies & doctor’s offices – Public hygiene is essential at medical facilities. Sneeze Guards can help protect not just staff, but essential cleanliness such as medical storage.

Schools – Schools continue to be faced with the problem of the transmission of COVID-19, even as the pandemic subsides in other aspects of society.

Gyms & fitness studios – When people exercise, they sweat and breath more heavily. This produces a range of potential hygiene issues. Sneeze Guards are not only used to stop sneezes, but the transmission of all types of potential infections.

How effective are Sneeze Guards?

Sneeze Guards have been proven to be an effective means of stopping some types of infection. In the same way as a face mask, they provide a physical barrier to water droplets. We produce these droplets from our noses and mouths without realising it – but they are responsible for much of the transmission of disease.

Sneeze guards have been found to be up to 70% effective at stopping the spread of particles across a room. This has been tested in a simulated cough scenario, where around 70% of particles were found to have been stopped by the screen. Research by the UK Government , has also found that Sneeze Guards can be found to reduce the risk of transmission of air-borne water droplets from exhaled breath at shorter distances – such as 2 metres. However, the research does suggest that screens do not provide as much protection at longer range.

To learn more about the Safety Screens range of sneeze guards, and how they might help protect your workforce, get in touch with us today.

Animal Screens – What are they For, and Do You Need Them?

Cat looking through animal screens

When the weather starts to warm up, we often start to think about leaving windows open. For most people, this isn’t an issue – the increased breeze makes those warm nights easier to get through. However, for pet owners, leaving the window open for any length of time can prove impossible. Plenty of pets, when faced with an open window, seem to immediately turn into escape artists. If you live in a busy area, or live in a tall building, this is obviously an issue. However, you do not have to put up with a closed and stuffy house all year long. Window animal screens can help protect your pets and your peace of mind – even with your windows open all day long.

What is an animal screen?

Window animal screens are mesh panels that fit across your window. They are functionally similar to insect screens, but with additionally sturdy mesh screening. This is to protect the screen against animals’ claws. Anyone with a cat, for example, will know how those claws get into everything. An animal screen is tough enough to put up with animals scratching at the, without being damaged.

What are animal screens for?

Animal screens are designed to allow you to leave windows and doors open, without allowing your pet to exit the house without your permission. Animal screens let cooling breezes into your home, without putting your pet at risk.

Does my pet need screening?

Some pets need to be screened more than others. This depends on a few factors – training, risk, likelihood of escape.


Dogs are the most trainable of the common pet animals. This means that for many people, they do not need to worry as much about them escaping through an open door. They are also not generally able to escape from a back garden – particularly if it is walled. They are also often too large to escape through a window. However, boisterous or enthusiastic dogs can sometimes need to be kept inside, particularly if they like to greet / bark at visitors.


Cats are the most likely animals to need to be kept inside. This is due to the prevalence of house-cats in the UK. Many people choose not to allow their cats out of the house, perhaps for safety reasons. If you live in a flat on a higher story, or you live near a busy road, then allowing your cat to roam freely outside may prove too dangerous for your liking. Cats are also notorious escape artists, making animals screens a popular choice.


Rodents – particularly hamsters, guinea pigs and mice are a popular pet. This is particularly true of people in smaller homes or flats, who may consider other pets to be too large. Rodent owners do not often allow their pets to roam freely, but those that do may need to keep them inside. Rodents are not particularly trainable, and can easily be lost in vegetation if they do manage to get outside.


Birds are a pet that often needs animal screening. Birds – wing clipping aside – are largely capable of flight, and are not easily trainable. This means that windows can prove an easy escape route for avian pets.

Get in contact to learn more about our animal screens.

How to Install a Fly Screen Yourself

Black caterpillar part of the retract a screen door

As the warmer months approach, spring is in the air. The days are growing longer and the trees are starting to hint at blooming. While this is a welcome development, it also brings the threat of flies and insects getting inside your property. You don’t want to allow pests inside your home, and if you work in certain industries you are required to have insect screening. If you have the necessary technical skills, you don’t have to have a professional complete your fly screen installation. We supply parts so that you can install a fly screen yourself.

Why do you need a fly screen?

Fly and insect screens are essential if you work in certain industries. If you work in a business that produces or deals with food in any capacity, you need to ensure that you are compliant with all relevant regulation on insect screening.

You might also want to install fly screening at your own home or in your business if you live in an area that is particularly susceptible to insects. This might be the case if you live near a water source such as a river or lake. Even living near fields that are used for particular crops and livestock can increase the risk of flies and insects.

What do you need to install a fly screen?

Installing a fly screen yourself takes a few requisite parts, and a knowledge of how to fit them together. A fly screen is made of a few elements. Fundamentally, these are the screen itself, which is a kind of mesh, and the frame that surrounds and holds the mesh.


Fix the frame of the screen together with corner keys.

Lay the mesh over the rear part of the completed frame.

Place the rubber spline into the grove on the back of the frame to keep the mesh in place.

Place the assembled screen in place on the fitted screen hinges

Close them in place with the supplied turn screws.


Safety Screens provide a range of screen options for you to do yourself. However, if you do not feel confident that you can install a fly screen, or you have started the process but aren’t sure you can finish it, we are also experts in specialist installation. At Safety Screens, we can arrange, organise and install a fly screen or other pest control screen at your home or place of business. Our technicians are experts in fitting screens to all sorts of windows. No matter how awkward, difficult to reach or complicated in shape, our experts have years of experience in finding solutions.

Installing a fly screen yourself is not suitable for everyone. If you have a particularly difficult window, or a space that is an irregular shape, then you may not be able to fit it yourself. Equally, if you find that you have not measured the space quite right, then our technicians can make on the spot changes – which you may not be able to do yourself.

Whether you want help with installation, or you are confident in doing it yourself, get in touch with Safety Screens to discuss your options today.

How do I organise a Safety Screens installation at my premises?

white Sliding patio screen door fitted to conservatory

Safety Screens are the leading manufacturer, installer and distributor of a range of screening products across the UK. We specialise in helping other pest control businesses provide a range of fly/insect and other proofing products to their customers – without needing to have the stock or experience themselves. We organise, supply and even fit the screens for you – and all under your brand!

What is a Safety Screen?

A safety screen is a broad definition for any kind of screening that makes a place of work safer. Many places of work either need to abide by certain regulations, or simply want to improve the health and safety conditions. A safety screen might be a fly screen that is designed to prevent insects from entering a building. It might also be a sneeze guard that is designed to separate a person or an object from another person. Finally, a safety screen does not need to be exclusively for commercial use. Many people choose to fit screens across their windows at home.

Who Needs a Safety Screen?

A wide range of buildings need screening of some type. They can, however, be divided into two types: domestic & commercial. Domestic buildings might need fly screening if they are in an area with a lot of insects – perhaps a local river in warmer months is home to many flies. A person with a severe allergy to particular insects might also be keen to prevent them entering the building.

Businesses that deal with food have a regulatory requirement to prevent insects from entering their premises. This might mean they need to fit fly / insect screens on their windows and doors. They also might need to fit screens such as sneeze guards if they have food out on display.

How can I organise a Screen fitting?

To arrange fitting a fly screen or other safety screen, your best bet is to get in touch with us. We can source and fit screens to fit any kind of window – no matter how difficult it might seem. However, we will need some details to help decide what your client needs. When you get in touch, we need a few details to determine exactly what space you need to fill and with what sort of screen. You can get in touch over the phone, email or through our online quote form.

The Safety Screens Method

Safety Screens are experts in fitting screens for other companies (B2B). If you need to fit a pest control screen, but don’t have the time or inclination to complete the process yourself, then Safety Screens can step in and complete it all for you. When we arrive on site, we use unbranded vans and uniforms. Your paperwork can even be customised to have your logo. We never mention the name Safety Screens, so your business can provide a seamless service – from start to end. This enables you to no longer turn down business generated by your website but at the other end of the Country as Safety Screens become your Nationwide installation team!

Our technicians are experienced enough to know how to fit a screen in any kind of circumstance, and with all screening manufactured at your customers premises it takes the pressure off yourselves and your customer to be 100% exact with your measurements.

Be Ready for Health Inspection All Year Round

Restaurant kitchen that is ready for health inspection

The middle of winter might not be when you think about flies and insects. After all, they don’t tend to be swarming about when the weather is colder. This doesn’t mean, however, that you can afford to be lax on your anti-insect activity. Many types of businesses have a legal requirement to be clean, and many specifically need to take steps to keep insects out. Health inspections can happen at any time of the year. You could find yourself needing to focus on keeping insects out, no matter whether it is the appropriate time of the year or not. To avoid getting in trouble, needing to pay a fine, or even having to close your business, it is best to be ready for inspection all year round.

What is a Health Inspection?

A health inspection is a twice annual check up by the government that you are sticking to the rules around hygiene in your industry. The inspector will check that you are working in a clean and safe environment. According to the government, they may check:
• your premises
• how you work
• your food safety management system
• the types of food you make and prepare

Who has Inspections?

Generally, anyone involved in the production of food is subject to a potential health inspection. This is not just restaurants and cafes, but factories and other businesses that are involved in the production of food. You usually have inspections twice a year. You will not know when you are going to be inspected in advance.

According to the government, ‘How often you’re inspected depends on the risk your business poses to public health. You might not be inspected as often if you’re a member of a recognised assurance scheme.’

What are the Regulations?

There are a number of pieces of regulation that cover food safety and hygiene in the UK. The main piece of regulation is the Food Safety Act 1990. There have been several subsequent additions to the legislation, including:
• The General Food Regulations 2004
• The Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013
• Food Information Regulations 2014
• Regulation (EC) No 178/2002
• Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 Regulation (EC) No 853/2004

Types of Screens

The most effective way to be safe and hygienic around flies and insects is to keep them out of your premises.

Fly Screen Windows

A fly screen window fits over any type of window space, to provide a barrier to insects entering. These are particularly relevant to restaurants or anywhere that specialises in food preparation, as regulations often require them.

Fly Screen Doors

Fly Screen Doors help to prevent insects from entering your premises. They can fit any kind of door area, so can fit regardless of the shape or size of your existing door. A protective mesh and bristle strip help to keep your business insect free.


Sneezeguards protect people and food stuffs from other people. Whether you work in an area with busy tills, or need to protect standing food stuffs from potential spoiling.

At Safety Screens, we are experts in helping you keep your customers’ business safe. We organise supply and fitting of many kinds of safety screenage. Whether you need to help a customer keep out insects, or you are trying to plan a Covid safe workplace, get in touch today, and see how we can help you.